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About the Citizens' Climate Lobby 

The Citizens' Climate Lobby (CCL) is an apolitical non-profit grassroots movement that wants to persuade the government to adopt an effective and ambitious climate policy.


In order to generate the political will to implement our carbon tax and carbon dividend proposal, we train and support volunteers to build relationships with political elected representatives, the media and the local community.


The Citizens' Climate Lobby was founded in the United States and already has more than 400 groups there. The CCL is also active outside the US, for example in Canada, Australia and India. In Europe there are active groups in many Member States, including Germany, Sweden, Portugal, Denmark, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.


The Belgian branch of the Citizens' Climate Lobby was recently founded. Volunteers are very welcome.  Contact us via the contact form.


Our values

Responsibility: we want to preserve the bearing capacity of our planet for our and future generations. We need to reinvigorate climate protection after the Paris agreement and set more ambitious targets to reduce harmful emissions.


Liberty: We want to reduce CO2 emissions in the most effective and least bureaucratic way, by introducing a carbon fee that rewards climate protection and gives polluters the freedom to decide how they will reduce their emissions.


Fairness: Climate change is a problem of injustice. Fossil fuel companies make billions in profits, but the damage caused by their activities must be paid for by ordinary people. We are convinced that climate change can only be solved by tackling this injustice.


We want those who bear the greatest responsibility for climate change (i.e. the biggest polluters, these are generally the - extreme - rich) to pay to solve the climate problem. The practical implementation is done by introducing a carbon fee and dividend. The proceeds of the carbon fee are distributed equally as a carbon dividend to all inhabitants of the country. Low and middle incomes in particular will benefit financially as a result.



What we do

We are lobbying for our proposal on carbon tax and carbon dividend, by building good relations with the representatives of different political parties. This is done with mutual respect and understanding.



We write letters and opinion pieces to the media, and we meet with the editors to obtain their support. We also work with digital media, radio, television and all forms of social media.



We give presentations and participate in events to promote the CCL and to present our proposal for a carbon tax and carbon dividend.


Some action photos

Flyering during the climate march on Sept 20th in Brussels


Getting the support of film maker and climate activist Nic Balthazar

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Preparing for the first EU lobby meeting on Nov 4th 2019


Meeting with MEP Seb Dance


When preparing for the EU lobby meeting, we were joined by the next generation of Yellow Vests

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